How to Dispose of Old Vitamins and Supplements?

Vitamins and supplements are the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle. They help our bodies function optimally and ward off disease. But what do you do with them when they expire? Most vitamins and supplements are safe to take even after their expiration date. However, they may not be as potent as they once were.

While knowing if you can use the expired vitamins is one thing, the most important part is how to dispose of them properly. Disposing of medicines and supplements properly is crucial to preventing harm to people and the environment. Having a prior understanding of the expiration of vitamins or supplements and how to dispose of old vitamins and supplements will be very helpful. Not sure of the same? Simply read on to get your queries answered.

Do vitamins expire?

When it comes to vitamins, the expiration date is more of a guideline than a hard and fast rule. While this date is not necessarily the day that the vitamin will lose all of its potency, it is a good indication of when it will start to degrade. The potency of vitamins will begin to decline after the expiration date, but they will not necessarily become ineffective.

💡 Vitamins are typically made from natural ingredients, so they will eventually break down over time. Exposure to light, heat, or air can cause the Vitamin molecules to degrade, making them less effective. In addition, vitamins can lose their potency if they are not used regularly.

As a result, it is important to store vitamins in a cool, dark place and to take them as directed. If you have any old vitamins that you’re not sure are still good, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and toss them out. That way, you can be sure that you’re getting the full benefit of the vitamins that you’re taking.

What do I do with expired vitamins

When you see that a vitamin supplement is expired, you may be wondering if you should still take it or if you need to get rid of it. The answer to this question depends on the type of vitamin and how long it has expired.

There are a few things that you can do with expired vitamins that including:

Make it a compost:

If the vitamin is made from all-natural ingredients, then it can be used as compost. This will help add nutrients to the soil which can be beneficial for plants. You can simply crush the vitamin, grind it and sprinkle it or dilute in water and pour it around the base of the plant.

Also, it is also important not to stuff too much vitamin in the compost bin as this can make the compost too rich and harm the plants.


The other option is to dispose of the expired vitamins. This can be done in various ways, such as putting them in the garbage, add to landfills, etc... Whichever way you choose, it is important to understand the ingredients of the vitamin and how it can impact the environment.

Is it OK to put vitamins in the garbage

Throwing away vitamins or supplements in the garbage is the most common thing that people do. However, it is not the best way if the vitamin contains synthetic ingredients that can leach into the ground and contaminate the soil and water.

When you put the vitamins in the garbage, you must make sure that it is not accessible to children or animals. Because accidental ingestion of expired vitamins in bulk amounts can be harmful, especially to young children. This can lead to kidney and liver problems.

As per the US Environmental Protection Agency recommendation:

  • Mix the vitamins with waste coffee residues, cat litter or any other undesirable substance to make it unpalatable.
  • Put the mixture in a sealed container or a zip-lock bag.
  • Throw the container in the trash can that is out of the reach of children and pets.

This way you can make sure that the vitamins will not be consumed by children or animals even accidentally.

How to dispose of old vitamins and supplements

When old vitamins and supplements expire, the best course of action is to simply dispose them off without any confusion on how to reuse it properly. But, it is important to know the right ways to dispose them without causing any harm to the environment or to others.

Throw in the garbage:

As discussed, the easiest way to dispose of old vitamins and supplements is by throwing them in the garbage. However, it is important to make sure that they are out of reach of children and pets. You can do this by mixing them with coffee residues or any other substance that makes it unpalatable and throw it off.

Drug take-back stores:

Drug take-back stores are those which accept unused, unwanted, or expired drugs. You can find these stores at some pharmacies, hospitals, and police stations. You simply have to take the old vitamins and supplements to these stores and they will properly dispose of them.

Mail-back programs:

Mail-back programs are also a good option to dispose of old vitamins and supplements. In this process, you have to put the vitamins in a postal mailer and send it back to the company. The company then disposes it off according to the environmental regulations.

However, it is important to note that not all companies offer mail-back programs. So, you must check with the company before sending back the vitamins.

Never flush or pour in drain:

While there are many ways to dispose of old vitamins and supplements, there are some ways which should be avoided at all costs. One such way is flushing or pouring them in the drain. This is because it can contaminate the water supply and cause harm to the environment.

FDA consolidates a Flush List that has a list of drugs that can be harmful if taken by mistake or get contaminated in the water supply.

These drugs should not be flushed down the toilet or poured into a drain. FDA recommends people to dispose of drugs or supplements that comes under the Flush List by sending it to drug take-back stores rather than disposing off yourself. It is always better to let the professionals handle these kinds of substances.

Even though most vitamins and supplements do not come under this category, it is important to check once before disposing.


When it comes to disposing of old vitamins and supplements, there are various options that you can choose from. However, it is important to understand the ingredients present in the vitamin and how it can impact the environment before choosing any option.

Comment below to share your thoughts and don’t miss our blog on multivitamins with iron for kids.

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