Why Is My Pee Lime Green After Taking Vitamins?

Why Is My Pee Lime Green After Taking Vitamins?

Healthy bathroom habits are an indication of a healthy body. So, if you have recently taken a peek after you went to the bathroom and noticed a bright lime green pee, it is natural to be alarmed especially if you have just taken vitamins. You may wonder, ‘Why is my pee lime green after taking vitamins?’. But the good news is, you don’t have to worry if it’s soon after you start taking vitamins.

If your pee turns lime green after taking vitamins you can relax because it is normal. Most people panic when they see bright green or lime green pee after taking vitamins. It is just an excess of Vitamin B that is being excreted and it is nothing to be worried about.

🟢 Some vitamins are fat-soluble like Vitamin A, D, and K while some are water-soluble like Vitamins B and C. The fat-soluble are stored in the body for future use whereas the water-soluble are flushed out.

Our body is an amazing machine. It knows the exact proportion of how much to absorb and what to throw away. The lime green pee is an indication that the required nutrients are absorbed by the body and the rest is being flushed out.

Can vitamins make your pee lime green

If you are taking vitamin B complex, urine color could range from bright yellow to lime green. Specifically, it can occur from an excess of vitamin B2, which is also known as riboflavin. In fact, “Flavin” comes from the Latin word “flavus” which means yellow.

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As is already mentioned B-complex vitamins are soluble in water. It means they are not stored in the body like other nutrients. During the day, your body will flush out or excrete the excess vitamins that are not needed, which results in the bright yellow or lime green color of the urine.

While most people may notice lime green color pee if they are taking vitamins, there are exceptions also. Not all the people taking vitamins experience lime green urine color. It depends on the individuals’ digestive capabilities. The less the body can absorb, the more it will excrete resulting in the brighter color of the urine.

What does peeing lime green mean

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There is nothing to worry about if your pee is lime green in color. It is an indication that your body has processed the vitamins you took. As you are already aware that vitamin B gets dissolved in water. The body does not take all the vitamins it gets through food or supplements.

The body is only able to absorb 27 milligrams of riboflavin at one time.  The residue is then discarded by the body through peeing resulting in the lime green color of the urine.

💡 Regardless of the colour of the urine, it is important to eat food rich in vitamin B. Vitamin B is essential for many metabolic processes in the body. It also helps in energy production and DNA formation.

A deficiency of vitamin B can lead to problems like anaemia, loss of neurons in the spinal cord, and the build-up of inflammatory amino acids like homocysteine. It can also impair the functioning of the liver making it difficult to process the toxins. Therefore, it is important to include Vitamin B in the diet even if it results in the lime green color of the urine.

What color should urine be

There is not one specific color that can be considered healthy. It depends from person to person. It also depends on the volume of fluids consumed. The more the intake of fluids, the lighter the color of the urine. 

Urine is largely water and consists of chemicals that are flushed out for the proper functioning of the body. The yellow color comes from the urochrome, which is a waste product that comes from the breakdown of haemoglobin.

💡 Darker shades of yellow color urine are an indication that the person is dehydrated and needs water.

Should I stop taking vitamins if my pee is green

Just because your body is flushing out vitamins through urination, it does not mean you should stop taking them. It also does not signify that the body is not absorbing the vitamins. On the contrary, it indicates that the body is taking what it needs and is discarding the excess amount through urine.

So even if you are experiencing the changing color of the pee due to the intake of vitamins, it is best not to skip them, unless it is specifically suggested by your physician. Vitamins are extremely important for internal functions of the body and help in maintaining overall health.

💡 A pale yellow is the best color for urine. If it turns a darker yellow or orange, you may be dehydrated. Orange urine may indicate a serious liver problem. Foods or medications can cause a darker brown complexion.

The bottom line

Most dietary habits or supplements change the color of the pee temporarily. There is no need to panic about it or get stressed asking yourself, ‘Why is my pee lime green after taking vitamins?’ except in special conditions. However, if you are genuinely concerned, you can speak with your physician. You can also check out this article to know about abnormal urine colors and their causes.

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