40 Vegetables You Can’t Eat Raw And Why

Even though all vegetables are good for our health in different ways, not all of them can be eaten raw. Some plants have natural poisons and carbs that are hard to digest, which can lead to stomach problems.

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Even if you wash vegetables in a vegetable cleanser, which gets rid of pesticides and other pollutants on the surface of the vegetables, you shouldn’t eat them because they could make you sick or hurt your health. Find out which vegetables you can’t eat raw by reading this article.

  1. Potatoes

Raw potatoes not only don’t taste good, but they can also cause problems in the gut. The natural starch in potatoes could cause gas and bloating. Green potatoes should also be avoided because they have a lot of solanine, a dangerous toxin that can make you sick and give you headaches.

💡Potatoes have glycoalkaloids, which are a type of chemical compound found in plants in the nightshade family and can be harmful if too much is eaten.

  1. French Beans

Beans are also a vegetable that you should never eat raw. Some kinds of beans, like hyacinth, might be dangerous to eat raw. Also, different kinds of beans have amino acids that could be harmful.

💡 Bacon, toasted pine nuts, sesame seeds, soy sauce, garlic, ginger, cream, and mustard are all delicious with French beans.

  1. Mushrooms

Mushrooms can be eaten raw, however cooking them increases their nutritional value. Sautéed, grilled, or roasted mushrooms contain more potassium than raw ones.

💡 Heavy metals and other toxic compounds can be found in some wild mushrooms.

  1. Red Kidney Beans

Raw red kidney beans have a high concentration of the toxin glycoprotein lectin, which causes vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea within a few hours of ingestion. The intensity of the symptoms is also determined by toxins eaten.

💡 Red kidney beans are high in fiber, iron, and protein though, so they’re a good inclusion in any diet.

  1. Eggplant

Toxic levels of solanine, a compound present in eggplant, can lead to a variety of gastrointestinal and neurological problems, such as nausea, vomiting, and cramping.

💡Polyphenols found in eggplant may help lower your chance of developing some types of cancer by lowering harmful cholesterol levels.

  1. Rhubarb Leaves

Although the plant’s stems can be eaten, the leaves are toxic and may induce difficulty breathing, throat and tongue burning as well as convulsions if consumed.

Rhubarb leaves contain a lethal toxin known as oxalic acid.

  1. Lima Beans

It’s possible you’ll have to eat these legumes as a kid, but you should never do so uncooked. Linamarin, a component in lima beans, turns to cyanide when exposed to light.

💡 When cooking lima beans, be sure to follow all safety precautions to keep youngsters out of the food and to ensure that they are thoroughly cooked.

  1. Brussels Sprout

You don’t want to put your digestive system at risk by eating them raw. This vegetable may cause digestion issues and pain in your body.

💡Raffinose, an indigestible fiber that can be difficult to digest, is found in them.

  1. Broccoli

Broccoli’s glucosinolates may be enhanced when cooked properly, and it may also be easier for your digestive system to consume cooked broccoli than raw.

💡 Broccoli has a reputation as a superfood. It is low in calories but contains a wealth of nutrients and antioxidants that support many aspects of human health.

  1. Spinach

Salads frequently feature raw spinach. Spinach, on the other hand, may be harmful if consumed raw. Cooking, on the other hand, helps release its iron and magnesium levels, making it a healthier option.

💡 Spinach has a lot of oxalic acid, which can cause calcium oxalate stones in the kidney.

  1. Green Beans

A few raw green beans in a salad will be OK, but they’re moderately poisonous until cooked. They also include lectins, which are antinutrients that reduce the body’s tendency to accumulate minerals and vitamins and induce digestive problems.

  1. Cassava

Cassava contains linamarin, a cyanogenic glucoside that degrades into the deadly hydrogen cyanide.

  1. Elderberries

Consuming unripe elderberry bark, leaves, or berries may worsen rather than improve your condition. Both cyanide and lectin are capable of inducing vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea.

  1. Sprouts

Raw sprouts such as alfalfa and mung beans may be dangerous since harmful germs can enter the seeds when they mature. Expectant mothers, as well as those with weakened immune systems, should avoid this.

  1. Bitter Almonds

Bitter Almonds

Bitter almonds are cyanogenic, meaning that they contain cyanide. After being roasted or baked, almonds are safe to ingest, but they should never be consumed raw.

  1. Cauliflower


It may be hard to handle and digest raw cauliflower. One study found that baking or grilling cauliflower keeps the most minerals and essential elements than boiling it.

  1. Asparagus


One of those vegetables that tend to taste better after being cooked properly and seasoned, asparagus is one of those vegetables. When compared to eating raw stalks, cooking green asparagus raises the number of antioxidants present in the vegetable.

  1. Kale


A kale salad is a substantial entrée or side dish, but it may be hard to digest if eaten raw. Cooking kale softens the fibers and aids digestion.

  1. Cabbage


Raw cabbage lacks magnesium, vitamin K, folate, and vitamin C, all of which are enhanced in the cooking process.

  1. Zucchini


Compared to steaming or frying, the nutritional value of zucchini might be enhanced if it is boiled. However, keep the zucchini’s skin intact because it contains the bulk of the vegetable’s nutrients.

  1. Tomatoes


Lycopene, an antioxidant produced by heat, has been shown to improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of some types of cancer. Cooking tomatoes breaks down the cell walls, making them easier to eat.

  1. Pumpkin


Pumpkin is not best eaten raw and it has significant vitamins A and E when cooked.

  1. Carrots

Heated carrots are better for you than raw ones. Steaming or roasting it helps disintegrate the cell walls, which normally store nutrients and ease digestion.

  1. Onion

An onion’s fructan, a type of carbohydrate that has been associated to gastrointestinal problems, has been found in the onion. If you eat raw onions, your body may struggle to break them down, resulting in a buildup of water in your digestive tract.

  1. Peas

Because of their high sugar content, eating a lot of peas could cause blood sugar spikes. Peas also include phytates, which impede the digestion of vital nutrients.

  1. Celery

As a water-absorbing plant, celery draws water and pollutants from the soil; on average, 64 difficult chemicals can be found on a stalk.

  1. Sweet Bell Peppers

Sweet Bell Peppers

Insects love these scrumptious, sweet vegetables, and you’ll be swallowing hazardous chemicals with every bite if you don’t buy organic.

  1. Lettuce


Many more poisons are found in non-organic lettuce than you’d want to believe. If you are unable to grow your own food, you may always buy organic.

  1. Taro

Taro includes the chemical calcium oxalate, which causes your tongue to feel numb when eaten raw and may even cause you to feel as if you’re suffocating if you take too much. It may also result in kidney stones.

  1. Chaya


The leaves of this Mexican shrub are equivalent to spinach in flavor and nutritional value. However, uncooked foods are extremely dangerous. Chaya contains hydrogen cyanide, which, if ingested in excess, can cause respiratory failure and death.

  1. Castor Beans

Raw castor beans contain high quantities of ricin, a poisonous lectin, and are not considered safe for consumption even when cooked.

  1. Bottle Gourd

This vegetable should be consumed with extreme caution because of its high quantities of cucurbitacins, which can cause vomiting, nausea, and even death if ingested. It is a vegetable that evolved under stress and a lack of water.

  1. Mung Beans Sprout

Because they might contain pathogens and bacteria, you should briefly fry them in oil before consuming them.

  1. Olive

It’s not good for your taste buds or your health to eat olives straight from the tree. Olives must be cooked before they can be eaten, or they will be very bitter and unpleasant.

  1. Sweet Potato Leaves

To consume it, you’ll need a strong stomach. Instead of adding them to stir-fries or salads, you could sauté them or cut them into large pieces and toss them.

  1. Radish

When eaten raw, radishes taste sour and slightly peppery. Because enzymes give it this taste, many people prefer to cook it instead of eat it raw.

  1. Mustard


Raw or cooked, mustard greens are a versatile vegetable.; however, the way you serve them determines the nutrient composition of the vegetable. Cooked mustard contains more copper, vitamin A, and K than raw mustard.

  1. Turnips


A turnip’s interior is white and crisp, and it has a pungent and peppery taste. People can either eat them raw or boil them. Roasting turnips brings out their best flavors and characteristics.

  1. Bitter Gourd

Bitter Gourd or Ampalaya

Raw bitter gourd may cause stomach pain, fever, diarrhea, a worsening of low blood sugar, and a headache if consumed uncooked.

  1. Okra


Okra has a type of carbohydrate called fructans. People who already have digestive problems may get diarrhea, gas, cramps, and bloating from fructans, so cook Okra before eating it.

Do you have a baby and wondering what to feed him when he starts to eat? Read more on 5 Homemade Mushy Infant Food To Try

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