5 Top Herbal Supplements For Restless Legs

5 Top Herbal Supplements For Restless Legs

If you suffer from restless leg syndrome (RLS) symptoms, you know how hard it can be to narrow down the probable reasons and seek an effective and safe solution. The good news is that various studies in the field of medicine suggest that using a variety of herbal supplements for restless legs syndrome may help ease the symptoms.

If you believe you may be suffering from this disease, there are natural therapies that you can try. But first, what precisely is restless leg syndrome, and what factors contribute to it? To find out, continue reading!

What are restless legs

Restless legs syndrome, also known as Willis-Ekbom illness, is a medical condition that causes unpleasant feelings in the legs. You may experience crawling, tingling, or creeping just beneath the skin of your legs, causing an intense need to move your legs to find comfort.

RLS symptoms may manifest themselves whether a person is resting, sleeping, or sitting motionless. At night, symptoms like leg twitching may be the most troublesome. Also, RLS-related involuntary leg movements are known as periodic limb movements of sleep (PLMS). They may cause substantial and continuous sleep disturbances that can lead to various other chronic health concerns.

Furthermore, simple self-care measures, lifestyle adjustments, and herbal supplements for restless legs may aid with alleviation. 

What triggers restless leg syndrome

If you have RLS symptoms, it’s essential to determine what’s causing them.

RLS may be caused by factors beyond your control, including heredity or pregnancy. However, if you are suffering from RLS caused by multiple micronutrient deficiencies or if there is a medically treatable cause, it is critical to discover the origin of your RLS symptoms. Here are some of the most prevalent RLS causes:

  • Dialysis
  • Anemia and iron deficiency
  • Breathing problems while sleeping
  • Underlying health conditions such as Diabetes, Amyloidosis, Parkinson’s Disease, hyperthyroidism, Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, and Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is your body lacking when you have restless legs

Restless legs syndrome is a condition that may be brought on by anemia caused by a lack of iron in the blood (iron deficiency). Other potential causes of restless legs syndrome, in addition to iron deficiency anemia, may include the following: 

  • Dysfunction in the basal ganglia in the brain
  • Genetics

How to stop restless legs immediately

There are several techniques to stop restless legs at home rapidly. This will not be practical for individuals with severe symptoms, but it will be helpful for those with minor signs. Additionally, people with severe symptoms will benefit from using the following approaches in addition to medications:

  • Elevate your legs when lying down. When lying down, use a cushion to raise your legs. This is particularly handy if you are a back sleeper.
  • Regularly exercise. Physically inactive individuals are far more likely to suffer from RLS than individuals who engage in frequent physical exercise. Active physical exercises are even better; 150 minutes of activity each week is suggested.
  • Limit caffeine intake. Caffeine drinks may have a detrimental impact on RLS; therefore, restrict or limit caffeine consumption, mainly after 3 p.m. or at night.
  • Compression socks. Compression socks put pressure on your muscles and nerves, which helps to calm hyperactive nerves. Rubbing and massage may also assist similarly, but compression socks work all night.
  • Herbal medication. Herbal medication may treat or ease the symptoms of various illnesses, including RLS. Hence, it is advised for people with vein problems and those who suffer from RLS since enhanced circulation provides comfort. Furthermore, below are the best herbal supplements for restless legs.

What is the best supplement for restless legs

If taken consistently over weeks, the following natural treatments for restless legs may be more effective than medicines. You should seek medical advice and be closely monitored by a physician before making any decisions.

  1. Passion Flower

This purple Passion Flower helps alleviate the unpleasant, burning feeling associated with Restless Leg Syndrome. It not only induces relaxation and moderate drowsiness, but also reduces the frequency and duration of disturbances that disrupt the patient’s sleep.

Consume at least one cup of tea made by adding and steeping roughly 2 grams of this herb in the dry form an hour before sleeping to promote both uninterrupted sleep and pain relief. Please remember that you should never take this herbal sleep aid if you are pregnant or if you are also taking other antidepressants.

The southeastern United States, Central America, and South America are the regions in which the passion flower was first cultivated. It has a history of usage as a sleep aid in traditional medicine.

  1. Rooibos

The anti-spasmodic and painful inflammation-reducing extract generated from the peculiarly shaped leaves of Rooibos, also referred to as Aspalanthus linearis, is another functional herbal solution. The specific herb calms the overworked neurons, which, as a result, provides significant comfort to those who suffer from restless leg syndrome. However, individuals diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia or receiving treatment for the condition should avoid drinking Rooibos since it hinders the body’s ability to absorb iron effectively.

  1. Corydalis

Patients who can’t obtain an appropriate amount of sleep due to the tingling or numbing feeling in their legs may find that the yellow rhizome or the stem that grows under the ground is helpful in bringing about relief for their symptoms. It is recommended that corydalis be used only under the guidance of a qualified medical professional since, for some people, the plant may become more of an addiction than a treatment.

There is a striking resemblance between the morphology of corydalis flowers and those of little bleeding heart varieties.

  1. Mucuna Pruriens

When administered properly, the seeds can provide great relief from RLS symptoms (RLS). Not the seed pods, which exacerbate itching and cause skin irritation. Remember this.

The seeds contain Levadopa, a dopamine-family member. Mucus Pruriens is a highly useful herb that should be explored for restless leg syndrome.

  1. Horse Chestnut

Use horse chestnut to alleviate the uncomfortable twitching and burning feeling that forces the sufferer to move their legs. Leaves, seeds, and even bark can enhance blood circulation. You should only use Horse Chestnut if your doctor authorizes it. Having a history of bleeding issues makes this extremely crucial.

Greece and Albania are the natural habitats of the horsechestnut. Bulgaria is also home to large groves of trees.

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